I'm thrilled to announce the two winners for the Magic Seasons Books blog contest...
Julie Barrett was the March winner for the swag bag and the grand prize winner is Amber Hall!!
I love contests and draws and meeting new people by having them. Thanks to everyone that has supported the Magic Seasons.
The brand new Class Act Books website is up and running, I absolutely love the new set up. Swing by and check it out
I really need to apologize to all those that contact or email me, I am so far behind my to-do list is still covered in snowbanks from the winter. I had an unofficial assistant that helped to keep me caught up on all the little things - which translate into really big things when you look at the picture as a whole - and she experienced some life changing events that made it impossible for her to jump in and help me. This leaves me standing here staring at the to-do list and wondering if it ever ends! I'm slowly getting caught up. The key word in that sentence is slowly...
I will have a new schedule up soon as well as a few sneak peaks into some interviews for the Magic Seasons.
Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal