Step into a world of magic and passions....

Take a dash of spice, heat it.

Add a flash of magic and watch the sparks fly.

Toss in a killer that's targeting women.

Add a handful of witches from all paths to stir it all together...

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Interview questions

I've been gong through my hard drive attempting to clean it up and have stumbled across a lot of old interview questions.  Over the next little while I thought I'd post some of them here.

Please finish this sentence: The best thing about being an author is…

You get to pick your own ending!   (which is something I like to think happens, but I suspect my characters have more say than I do)

What is the biggest challenge you have faced as a writer?
That not everyone that reads what I write is going to like it.  I think that was the hardest thing to swallow. 
I had to start thinking of it in terms that simplified it so much that I was able to shake it off and keep going. Some people like Coca-cola, some like Pepsi and some like plain ‘ol water.

What is the biggest challenge you have faced with a publisher?
At the start, I accepted what they said and did it, even when I have to grit my teeth to do it. 
It was somewhere around my fourth book I realized that I did not have to give into everything they wanted. 
One publisher wanted me to add more sex to my stories.  I have nothing against erotica at all, but the story they wanted me to ‘spice up’ would have lost a lot if I’d given in. 
It was a hard choice to walk away from them and seek out new publishers that were happy with my stories lines as they were but I’m much a happier now that I have.

When did you first consider yourself a writer?

I don’t think it hit me until I was going through the editing process on probably my third book.  It was one of those odd moments where everything settles and fades into the background and I looked down at the manuscript and realized what I was doing. 
What can I say, I’m a little slow sometimes. lol

Has any other writer online had a big effect on you, or your writing?

All of them!  I have met so many writers that I couldn’t even begin to narrow it down to one or two.  At first I couldn’t believe the moral support they toss at you each step of the way.  It’s amazing and wonderful to know that there is a large body of people doing what you do that will cheer you on each step of the way.  I can’t say that would be true for a lot of other professions out there.

How much of real life do you put in your writing?
Even though I write paranormal, I try to put enough real moments into my stories that people can relate and if I do research if I’m going to be mentioning a certain place.  In the Magic Seasons the women work at a recycling plant, so I did a lot of research there to describe it to the readers.

What inspired you to write this story?

I actually didn’t have plans to write a fifth book in the series but it nagged at me that I’d left Patrick and Rhonda just hanging at the end of Autumn Dance, so I sat down and dug a little deeper into their personalities to see if they had something to share.  

How long did it take you to write?

This one took quite a bit longer than the rest of the series. The first four books took me six months in total, I thought my hands were going to swell up from typing so much.  Winter Mist was a little harder to unravel and put onto paper so it was probably six to eight months in the works.

What is your least favorite thing about writing?

Proofreading/editing.  Not the actual editing part, just the reading the same words over and over part.  From the writing process to publication I think I’ve read the story at least twenty times, maybe more. 

I will dig out some more for next time.

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Happy Holidays!

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Thursday, October 3, 2013

Researching without even realizing it

Over the next few weeks I'm going to be posting interviews and posts I was asked to do for other sites in the last while.

Before I wrote the Magic Seasons, which if you’ve followed along on any of my book tours you’d know it was not a planned event in my life; I traveled around to various in province Pagan festivals.  At the time I was so enthralled by finding others to share this different way of life with that I didn’t know how much I learned until long afterward.

There were just so many paths and avenues of knowledge to absorb, it was quite overwhelming.  I mean, I’ve always been pagan and somewhat “unique” but I had never realized how many facets there were until then.

At this point I was already a certified herbalist, using plants, herbs and oils for most of my family and friends health, medical and emotional instances.  I was also a Holistic Back Practitioner, a certified Holistic massage therapist, shiatsu and acupressure specialist, so stepping into an environment of so many nature based beliefs wasn’t a very big leap for me.
During my travels I absorbed so much and my interests were never ending in wanting to learn more and more… 

For each of the paths I’ve put in the Magic Seasons I did spend time with people that followed those without pause. It wasn’t just their beliefs, but their way of life and while a lot of it just didn’t fit into my own personal makeup, I did learn a lot and keep the pieces that fit to enhance what I already believe. 

I’ve been asked a lot if there are ‘real’ witches out there. Yes, there are witches, witchdoctors and practitioners (to mention a few) of different faiths.  It’s really no different than there being pastors, priests and ministers on the other side of the coin of life.

While the magic in the series is somewhat fantastical, even though I’d love to have the ability so smack someone without touching them or move something without lifting a hand (who wouldn’t right?) it’s not far from what real magic is to me.  Just look out the window (if you have a view of nature and not concrete) and tell me that nothing out there has a touch of magic to it. 

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kind words

From Beltane Magic
Eight friends reconnect at a gathering for Beltane and uncover much more than they could have anticipated–the bodies of two murder victims and the threat of more to come at the next ritual gathering.
I love the portrayal of the Pagan community in this book. It incorporates their rituals and traditions. As a Pagan myself, this book was very true to life for me..making me wonder where the author got her spells from??? Very good job with being realistic with the Pagan community.
And who doesn’t like a good love story?? I don’t see any hands…. Even though the characters each come with their own sense of baggage that must be left at the terminal, I knew that with a little patience and determination that love was going to win out over all.
This book was instantly sold with the amazing storytelling and characters. I started reading and did not put the book down until I was done. I fell in love with all of the characters and can’t wait to start the next one!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Catching up

If your following my FB page you know I've been working too much and trying to recover from a move - if not, now you know why I've been missing lately.  

Getting ready for the move was time consuming and now that we're in the new house I have a task list of at least 100 things that doesn't seem to be getting shorter!

If your waiting on a reply, I promise I will get to it asap.  I'm giving myself the deadline of the end of this month to get it all together and get back to some serious work.

I have a lot of posts and things planned for the upcoming months, so hang in and I'll see you soon.

Thanks for your patience and enjoy the summer!!

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

It makes it all worth it

When I read reviews like this one below, it makes all the hours of editing and banging my head on the keyboard worth it.   I write for readers to enjoy and love it when they do!

"5 heartwarming, oh my god my heart is going to burst of happiness with sighs!!"

Stop by and read the rest of the review for the first book in the MSS.

2 Bibliophiles Guide

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I love these!

I had to share the new promo banners that Bewitching Book Tours created for my next round of events.

Love, love, love them!!!

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal


I'm thrilled to announce the two winners for the Magic Seasons Books blog contest...

Julie Barrett was the March winner for the swag bag and the grand prize winner is Amber Hall!!


I love contests and draws and meeting new people by having them.  Thanks to everyone that has supported the Magic Seasons.

The brand new Class Act Books website is up and running, I absolutely love the new set up.  Swing by and check it out

I really need to apologize to all those that contact or email me, I am so far behind my to-do list is still covered in snowbanks from the winter.  I had an unofficial assistant that helped to keep me caught up on all the little things - which translate into really big things when you look at the picture as a whole - and she experienced some life changing events that made it impossible for her to jump in and help me.  This leaves me standing here staring at the to-do list and wondering if it ever ends!   I'm slowly getting caught up.  The key word in that sentence is slowly...

I will have a new schedule up soon as well as a few sneak peaks into some interviews for the Magic Seasons.

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Friday, April 12, 2013

How the Magic Seasons happened

This was recently featured in Bewitching Book Tours Magazine:

I’d love to say the series was planned and plotted, but in truth it wasn’t.  At the time I typed that first letter, I hadn’t even written anything other than the odd poem for about ten years.  The actual idea to sit down and write a book started as me trying to get the last word in on a friend.

My close friend and I both worked from home in 2006 when From Beltane Magic was written and at that time we spent nearly every day together, whether online or short road trips, even working together.  In the fall she decided she was going on a trip to see family in the states and was going to be gone more than a month.  I was devastated and had no idea what I was going to do with myself while she was away.  When I asked her that question her reply was ‘write a book’ … so I did.

A month later when she returned I was on the second book and the story was just flying onto the pages.  My friend read the first story, and I’m sure she expected a joke in some way and it was my surprised when she was honestly shocked that I had an actual story, with plot—and a good one at that.  The rest they say is history.

Where did I get the idea for the plot?  At first I didn’t really have a plot, just ideas and experiences to put onto paper.  The series really started to form when I began to figure out the characters.  I had just spend two years traveling around to various pagan festivals and met some rather fantastic people along the way.  While I didn’t base my characters on any one person I met at this time, it clear that each character is a mix of many from that time.  I really wanted to share all the knowledge I had obtained in this time and even though I didn’t have the thrill of seeing some of the fabulous things my characters can do, the underlying pagan beliefs are there weaved in the story.

Of course I was as shocked when my sweet paranormal romance turned into something entirely different and the first murder victims were discovered on that damp morning of the Beltane gathering.

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

First winner in the contest!

I'm thrilled to say the first winner in the contest is ....

Julie Barrett !!!

Congrats! You will be hearing from me shortly.

For those that want to know a bit more about the Magic Seasons and where it began, you can find the answer in an article that was featured in Bewitching Book Tours Magazine.

Check it out!

I have an interview tomorrow over at Reviewing in Chaos

Stop by and comment for another chance to win in the grand prize in April.

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Monday, March 4, 2013

Draw starts on release day!

I have all of this....

                                                                          choose from to give away...

So, I just sat down and planned out the details.  
For those that follow this blog already or join before the 15th - your automatically entered in the draw for the grandprize! 

Here's the info:

Throughout the tour stops from March 15 - April 30, comment for a chance to win one of two swag bags and join the new Magic Seasons Books Blog for a chance at the grandprize.

The swag bags will consist of a handful of goodies from Jacqueline. The grandprize will include a prize package and a $10 Amazon gift card.

Swag bags draws will take place on March 31st and April 25th. Grandprize will be drawn on April 30th.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

For those that would like to help pass on the word, here's the link:

Stay tuned for more posts coming on things happening in the next few months with The Magic Seasons!

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Monday, February 11, 2013

MSS around the net this week

The Magic Seasons series can be found in several places around the net this week.  A few reviews, promotions and interviews.

Monday - Friday a different book each day

Tuesday  From Beltane Magic and The Solstice Heat

I will also be getting some more interviews and things up here.  

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

All about Dade

Sometimes when you’re writing there’s one character that just jumps in and fills all the little blanks in the plot, Dade Jones is that character throughout the whole Magic Seasons series.

While writing the first book in the series (From Beltane Magic) Dade was supposed to be in the back ground as a secondary character. Of course when I started the first book, it was going to be a single story and not an entire series.  It didn’t take long to see that there was no way Dade was going to stay in the shadows as he kept stepping up and being the white knight in the book.

I’m not saying he’s infallible, not but any means, Dade gets himself into more trouble throughout the series than any of the other characters do, but his caring heart always helps to redeem him.

I was so thrilled to write his story and finally let him get the girl by the time Autumn Dance came to light. (Even though I’m going to give away little bits of the story line, there’s so much packed into the first four books, I won’t be spoiling any of the good parts.  J)

Aside from everyone using Dade as their sounding board throughout the series (at all hours of the day or night) this is a few other things he’s done that won him a place in readers hearts;  He takes the lead in repairing the bridge after the storm so everyone can go home.  He has no problem chasing down killers, whether on foot or car chase.

For an excerpt from Autumn Dance and a little taste of poor, lovable Dade and how well he gets himself into trouble go HERE

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Monday, February 4, 2013

Release update

I've just gotten word that the release of Winter Mist is going to be in March and not February as originally planned.  Which works out perfect because there is also a tour for Magic Seasons starting in March!  There will be some swag and prizes to be had during this tour. I'll post the details as soon as I have them.

I have also been adding more to this blog- a schedule for Magic Seasons related stops and info will be listed there as I receive it and later in the week I'll be posting past interviews and stories about the Magic Seasons series.

Until then, here is a review for From Beltane Magic posted on February 1st:

5 stars!

"From Beltane Magic was the perfect mix of fantasy, romance, and suspense. I highly recommend it to anyone that loves reading about witches."

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Welcome to the Magic Seasons!


It's been seven years and many hours later but the series is finally 'out there'.  I won't say finished because I do have other plans for the eclectic cast of characters in the Magic Seasons in the future... like Magic Begins, Boreal Desires and Spring Storm, but those are a long time away from developing into books.

Without you (readers) this would still be a large file sitting on my computer hard drive waiting to do something.  Thank you so much for stepping into the world I loved creating.

I've been working hard to get a page set up for each book, with excerpts, reviews as they come available and have a long to-do list to get all previous interviews/posts up for past promotion of the series.  I'm still working out the logistics of having an area just for comments (have patience, I'm not a computer genius) aside from the regular posts and tid-bits.  

I LOVE feedback, so don't hesitate to contact me or leave a comment.

The Magic Seasons series is a collection of stories involving several people that are struggling against themselves, each other and their pasts while learning about their own fears and magic abilities as a group to find and stop a killer.

An eclectic group of characters, with many different spiritual beliefs and abilities form the circle of friends in this series.

While this series leans heavily towards romance in many areas, and each story one focuses on a different couple, it is a paranormal suspense as well.

The seasons in the books are those from the pagan beliefs, where there are eight instead of the four most celebrated.

Meet some of the characters from MSS

 Aileena (Leena) is a woman that is gentle in everything, her personality and moods. She always feels maternal with her closest friends and would go out of their way to look after any one of them. Her ability of controlling the elements and knowledge of plants make her magic abilities strong and unbreakable.  She is a leader at work and in life, always working hard to keep those around her close, but never allowing anyone to get too close. 

Owen is a man that reflects humor and cavalier vibrations to others, he is gentle and caring as is his ability to draw negative and heal others. If you didn’t know him, you would never realize he came from violence.  Knowing how the real world can be, he has vowed to never put himself into the position, or allow anyone else that could open up the world he has carefully sealed shut forever.  

Kassandra (Kasey) is a woman that exudes energy and brightness; she is as equally passionate when angry as she is when she’s happy. The energy she carries from life comes through in all her magical workings with spells and stones, giving them great magical strength. She is a dreamer and often wishes she could re-write her own story so that she was charming and sophisticated enough to be with a certain wealthy male lawyer she wants more than anything else.

Christopher (Chris) is a force of strength and experience that is carefully hidden behind the easy mannerism he has adapted so carefully.  There is nothing he cannot do where magic is concerned and he has tried all manner of things, whether right or wrong.  His fortune has left him wanting for nothing else in life, except the one thing money can’t buy him, the woman he feels too unclean to approach.

Rachel is a woman that lives carefree with a buoyant recklessness. She loves being a flirt and has spent many years indulging that side of her personality. Her energy draws other; her character is to protect all those that cannot protect themselves.  When she’s not riding on life, she is helping children less fortunate then herself.  

Steven (Doc) is man that gives more than his energy usually allows.  He is a highly respected pediatrician that always goes that extra step to ensure all in his care are receiving his utmost attention.  He often sacrifices sleep to spend time with his friends, and he can’t seem to help affably chasing the skirt of the one woman that breaks his easy going charm and makes him forget he’s supposed to be the jovial.  He hides his strength in body and magic, never letting others know that he is more than the carefree man with everything he needs.   

Coralee (Cora) is a woman that represents grace and simplicity.  She has the skill of being able to feel emotion, aura and see beyond the now.  The pain sometimes associated with this gift has forced her to live her life from a distance.  She decided early in life what she wanted, and returned from her years away at school set to obtain her biggest dream. Unfortunately she has found the past few years lacking just that as she waits for the man she wants to stop and look at her instead of every female that throws themselves in his path.   

Dade is a man that follows life simply, yet his charitable personality brings him a wealth of   satisfaction.  He is the first to lend a hand, the last to stay and help and the one everyone calls when something goes wrong.  Even though his own generous nature fills his life, he still manages to find time enough to get himself into a mess at every turn and spends most of the time imploring forgiveness from the one sexy voodoo witch he can’t seem to ever get close to.   

Patrick is a man that has lived a rough life undercover in all the wrong places, for too long.  His light Irish charm carefully keeps others from seeing the dangerous man that lies inside.  He is the first for justice and will go out of his way to keep the innocent safe.  He finds himself falling for the woman that was a victim of a sick and vile person and is caught between keeping her out of harm’s way and completing the job he needs to finish. She shows no fear of him and slowly tears away the walls that surround him. 

Rhonda is a woman that becomes a victim to the vicious attack of a killer.  Even though she survives, she will have to learn to live with the scars for the rest of her life.  In hiding she has to rebuild the strength to get through it. She is forced to spend her days and nights in the company of a detective, that seems to have no other plan in life than to constantly aggravate her and get in her way.   

I could go on forever and add Jean, Kevin, Tara, Dex, Justin and Gwen to the list, but I think you'll probably enjoy meeting some of these people on the pages instead of their bio's.  

Jacqueline Paige
Step into a world of magic and passions. . .
All Things Paranormal